
Uzbekistan's New Landmark Sculpture

Sep 27, 2024

Stainless steel sculpture

Today, the installation of Uzbekistan's new Landmark Sculpture project, undertaken by Tiancai Sculpture, is nearing completion in October 2024. Our factory's professional installation team is working diligently on the final installation and adjustments on-site, with an expected completion within this month.


The sculpture, made of Stainless Steel, measures 16 meters in length, 3.8 meters in width, and 3.2 meters in height. This project is part of a park development and features a lighting system with a water flow system.

Large Stainless Steel Sculpture


Crafted from hand-forged   316L stainless steel, the sculpture took approximately four months to complete, including production, transportation, and installation. We extend our gratitude to all participants for their hard work. This sculpture will stand as a prominent representation of large-scale stainless steel Outdoor Sculptures in the world and serve as a local landmark for the community.


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